Welcome to Mt. Pleasant Church of God
The Vision of Mt. Pleasant Church is to:
Love, Learn and Live like Jesus.
Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” (Matthew 4: 19, NLT)
Jesus invited his disciples to follow Him which meant to love Him…and they did this by saying yes to His invitation and by their faithfulness/commitment to Him. Jesus asked His disciples to learn from Him…and they did through all His teachings–The Word of God. Jesus told His disciples to make more disciples…and they did by sharing the Gospel/Good News with the world.
We believe that having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, not only brings us hope for eternity in heaven, but also empowers us to better serve our families, community, and the world.
For more information please contact Pastor Josh Canfield or stop by and visit one of our worship services at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday Mornings. God bless!
Josh Canfield, Senior Pastor
Pastor Josh began as Senior Pastor at Mount Pleasant Church in the Fall of 2024. Each week he shares a powerful message from the Word, leading us to a greater understanding of the Gospel. Josh is excited to share the Good News of Jesus’s Love with our community. If you haven’t met Josh yet, be sure to say “Hi!” and welcome him to our community of believers!
Linda Joyner, Associate Pastor
Pastor Linda has been an incredible blessing to Mount Pleasant Church since 2019. As Associate Pastor, Linda takes great care in visiting our shut-ins and those spending time in hospitals. Pastor Linda regularly leads our Prayer time in Sunday Morning Worship, and blesses us by delivering the morning message several times per year.
Brian Vance, Worship Leader
Brian Vance (and his family) began attending Mount Pleasant Church in 2012. Brian and his Wife Anna quickly connected with the Young Adult small group, and his children enjoyed the children’s ministries at Mount Pleasant. Brian joined the Praise Band as the drummer, and later was asked to be the leader of the praise band -where is mostly plays guitar. Brian has been married to his wife Anna for 20 years, and they have three wonderful children. Max, 16, Amelia, 13, and Julia,10.
Our Services
9:15 am – Discipleship classes
10:30 am – Morning Worship & Children’s Church
Noon – 1:30 p.m. – Youth Group (grades 6-12)(1st and 3rd Sunday’s)
Location: K-House Youth Room
Bible Study & Prayer (via Zoom), 6:30 p.m. (Contact Church for Zoom Link)